Saturday, January 14, 2012

Solomon's Knot

I have heard so many people say that they could never get the Solomon's knot (SK) to work.   I have been asked for a photo explanation so folks could match up their work to see if they were doing it right.   So, this is my attempt to help folks learn how to do Solomon's Knot!

These images are from a recent design, so i will be showing two Solomon's knots together in series (I call it a SK, SK loop).

Starting point (just completed a sc)

Pull up a loop (a long loop)

yarn over

pull up a loop

Insert hook into long loop (two strands behind the hook, one strand on top of hook)

yarn over

Pull up a loop (should have two loops on hook)

 yarn over

Pull up a loop (this completes a Solomon's Knot (SK))

Just completing 1st Solomons Knot, we pull up another long loop

yarn over

pull up a loop 

Insert hook in large loop (again two strands under hook, 1 strand on top of hook)

yarn over

Pull up a loop (resulting in two loops on hook)

yarn over

pull up a loop (You have now completed a second Solomon's knot)

Insert hook into sc in the middle of  the next SK,SK loop

yarn over

pull up a loop

yarn over

pull up a loop (you are back where you started at a completed sc)

This photo just shows how the single crochet stitches are going into the middle of the SK,SK loop and what an SK, SK loop looks like.

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